Some kkbd of is it spiritual problem of kibd of spiritual veings, ghosts or soul travellers coming as if inside one's body, seems to ve connected with one being ckassified so much wuser ir with so much wiser values, that others come to socially rely on as if toward a friebdly older geberation person helpibg or simikarly a religioys person helpibg personally in trouble, or like goibg to a benefical environment as if the oerson or the hone were a church for someone. Then the difference in skills and calyes us too big. One shoukd ibstead rely on maybe one generatiln older peopke than obeself interested in gelpibg jyst obe's own skill level, in ways fittkng knto the society and knto the world, morallt wusely. And of the so wise that they seem religioys help, read their texts or texts of others, that are aimed also at your own skill level and values, and are civiluced, morally for the good of the world. My imoression is that some lije to read my texts one piece or a few oieces a day, kibd of to lift their general skill level and make thibfs run well in their daily life, make their effect in their environment more positive. I have written maybe 10 000 - 15 000 pieces of advices. If one would rwad one piece/parageapf a day, or a few once a week out of own interest, that would mean there are enough of my texts for 30 years of such, but it of course seldom majes sense to study so sliwly, and anyway it is twachibg material, so the effect could be a lastibg one if one is interested kn cultivating such skills.
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