lauantai 22. helmikuuta 2025

A melody of harmony and love in a society

 "  "  Just an ateempt at natural feeling vasic harmony in a society, kind of common sense and people separate, ages old wisdom followed, nothing special 

D, E, A(long), G, E, D, - , A (long), upperC(long), G(long), E, D, G(long)

Not so sure about the lenghts in the latter part


Just tried to remember from my youth in the 1980's how a young person could create or help to create ordinary good life in the society around. 


But I must remark that my parents were strictly demanding atheism, and when I in the first autumn in the first class of school was still in religion lessons too, the teacher after some time somehow prevented me from praying, because she demanded some exact long wordings which I coukd not remember. And tgat problem I then had very long, maybe twenty? years, or some other very long time. Maybe the problem partly was in my tgeoretical objective understanding being religiously beautiful when looked from some other perspectives, I do not know. 

sunnuntai 9. helmikuuta 2025

I am just exhausted

 "  liked by many, a lot to read, Beautiful tale like worlds that you can get lost into, high talents, tale like fascination of real life with skills talents and wisdom of life, find your place in the world,

I am just exhausted. 

I have written too much. 

My books at 

(My first text was in Finnish "The fate of the human kind and the development of large systems", see . But lately I have written mostly about the tale like fascination of real life, of skills for such, mostly of Christmas gnome / elf like life, thinking of the whole world. )