sunnuntai 4. helmikuuta 2024

Uskonnollisten huonosta asemasta

 Jotkut uskonnosta harrastuneet tuottavat lähinnä pupoua. Jos järkeen viittaava ihminen sotkee sen uskonnollisiin yleensä, vaikyttavat uskonnolliset ylikäveltävän pupuilta. 

"Estimating people's effects

 I have during the last few years read a lot of news. At the same time my picture of the world has gotten as a new firm belief that the world is of spirit. It is mostly a view of the structure of the world, even though it is often very much the same as using social eye to the influences that I get from different people, interests, areas of life, etc. 

What as younger disturbed social eye, was a lack of noticing the influencies from somebody's viewpoint, the wideness of view, the approach, typical social reactions and things done. Those were mistaken to be the situations at hand as seen from an objective perspective common to all or many like certain profession's view or the like. But instead there in the news is influencies from the people that one needs to estimate, like from the two presidental candidates for the second round of the Finnish presidental elections a week from now. 

And likewise there often is in the room at some side atmosphere of the people one somehow associates with, for example if someone tends to interfere much too much with my life, so that it affects things like the quality of things done, endurancy extremely much, the social looks very much, etc. And be it result of new technoligy or of the world being of spirit, also the news seem to reflect the atmosphere, social reactions, personal values, social goals, etc of persons somehow too much left in one's mind. 

"   From my blig 

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